Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Impact of New Media on the Design and Advertisement Industries Term Paper

The Impact of New Media on the Design and Advertisement Industries - Term Paper Example New media is an ongoing term that has come to be utilized concerning the computerized world all the more so regarding PCs in data and correspondence innovation. It is a result of the twentieth century that saw its transformative roots from simple innovation. It has portrayed relations of this period by making globalization a well known theme. Exchange among individuals and associations in far topographical areas currently happens by only a dash of a catch behind the solace of one's PC through the web. The consolidation of new media into the general public educate regarding a globalized world will in general acquire dangers into the ethical social set up as aimless receivership of data on the web gets hard to control presenting individuals to various deceptive practices. An examination done by Millward Brown organization in the UK handed-off data to demonstrate that new media can give greatest effect on onlookers of its ads. Millward is a cell phone promoting association that took the principal study to determine the importance of cell phones in the commercial. Commercials were sent to cell phone clients in the UK and measure the effects it had on the individuals who got them. The examination thought of the discoveries that the marked notices affected 32% consciousness of the individuals drew nearer. It further demonstrated that 22% of the cell phone clients who got the ads were eager to purchase the items should they go to the business sectors. The exploration estimated these conclusions from around 600 male shoppers between the ages of 16 to 36 over a time of 5 weeks during the quality of the commercials. The examination reasoned that solitary ads firmly increment notice mindfulness and the likelihood of procurement. (Earthy colored, 2008)â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Human Resource Management for Business Firms- myassignmenthelp

Question: Examine about theHuman Resource Management for Business Firms. Answer: In todays world, an association can't assemble a compelling group of working experts with no great group of the Human Resources. I accept the significant elements of the group of the Management of the Human Resources includes choosing/enrollment of the representatives, preparing them evaluating their exhibitions, inspiring them and keeping up the wellbeing and security of the workers. Subsequently, in this paper I will talk about the job of the Human Resource Management in Australia and the significance of the Strategic Human Resource Management. In the serious condition of the present world, Australian workforce has been utilizing powerful strategies so as to deal with the HR. There is a wide scope of theory that is executed by the Australian workforce in various office, so as to manage the test identified with HR. The Australian business firms are for the most part known to execute the fundamental system identified with human asset practice (Marchington et al., 2016). This I accept is one of the best approaches to manage the mind boggling level of difficulties that are frequently experienced by different associations. One of the significant issues that are frequently experienced in the present day human asset practice is because of the lack of gifted works. It is likewise conceivable to manage the majority of the significant provokes identified with human asset practice so as to enhance the creation pace of each association. I firmly accept that with the assistance of viable human asset practice that are executed across different associations in Australia it is feasible for them to have noteworthy upper hand. The associations across Australia likewise follow the act of uniform circulation identified with the human asset practice that causes them to manage all kind of moral issues identified with human asset practice. The consistency in the human asset practice is it fundamental as I might suspect this can assist with inspiring the laborers and furthermore help them to enhance their exhibition level (Brewster et al., 2016). The strategies that are actualized by the Australian government so as to guarantee consistency among representatives are one of the significant advances that can assist with keeping up an ideal parity inside the whole work power. There is additionally the arrangement of sexual orientation pay value, which is one of the significant advances that are actualized by Australian government ( De Cieri Kramar, 2003). This assistance to guarantee that the majority of the provokes identified with separation inside the working environment can be killed. The Australian individuals have likewise experienced issues because of racial separation inside the workforce that have undermined upon the presentation level of the association. The human right commission of Australia has executed legitimate strides so as to manage the issues identified with dishonest practice in Human Resource Department. The demonstration of equivalent compensation for equivalent work in Australia is one of the significant milestone legitimate arrangements that are actualized so as to manage all kind of dishonest separation inside the work environment. I do accept that the Australian government and the human right Commission have successfully handle the issues identified with racial and sexual orientation segregation inside the previous not many years. This is apparent from the way that there is more coope ration of ladies and up-and-comers from Asian and African nations in the workforce of Australia. This variety can be seen from all segments from assembling, administrations, and accommodation and government employments (De Cieri Kramar, 2003). The hereditary approaches and techniques that are executed across different divisions in Australia have assisted with alleviating dangers that are related with all kind of business operational procedure (Bartram, 2005). The nonexclusive arrangements that are actualized over all associations in Australia have assisted with reflecting upon the human asset rehearses and hierarchical culture. In this specific situation, notice that the rousing work culture inside the Australian workforce is one of the significant components that have assisted with managing the test of overabundance weight and worry inside the work environment. The manual of the representatives, have been planned so as to manage the chance of improving the workforce balance. I think it has additionally given the chance to enhance the extensions that have assisted with conquering the essential provokes identified with the lack of aptitudes in the Australian workforce. I unequivocally accept that it is significant for all t he chiefs to carefully follow the rules of HR approaches so as to guarantee that there is no segregation and unscrupulous practice inside the workforce. It is additionally fundamental to execute successful HR practice so as to manage the strategy difficulties of the workforce. The global organizations of Australia in the present day support laborers from various social foundation, which I accept have assisted with enhancing social assorted variety inside the working environment and furthermore guarantee blended abilities are available inside the organization (Fenton-O'Creevy et al., 2008). They additionally support creative practice, which is fundamental part of inspiration. In general, I accept the way of life that are actualized inside the human asset practice of Australia and help them to be one of the creation viable workforces of the globe. This has additionally been a significant commitment for the financial advancement of the nation. The worldwide companies of Australia have likewise had the option to manage the test of racial and sexual orientation segregation, which is a critical improvement that I have seen as of late. The procedures of the human asset the executives can be characterized as the connection between the HR with the key objectives and the targets so as to improve the presentation of the business and to build up the way of life of the association that can encourage the advancement, upper hands and the adaptability in the association. In an association the job of the key human asset the board is to acknowledge and draw in the human asset group in the plan and the execution of the systems of the organization through the exercises of the HR including enrolling, remunerating , preparing and choosing the applicants in the association (Jackson, Schuler Jiang, 2014). The systems are the ideas that are multi dimensional that are working out in a good way past the conventional type of the serious ideas of techniques. The methodologies are wide type of proclamations that are set one legitimate way. The systems are consistently reachable, quantifiable and explicit those are deliberately evolved with the correct inclusion of the partners of the association. The announcements of the activity are connected to the people and the people who are responsible and enabled for the accomplishment of the people that have expressed the outcomes in the particular time span that are wanted. They are the examples of the activity, strategies and the choices that can be manage for the gathering towards the vision or the objectives. I accept that key administration of the human asset are intended for helping the organizations for allotting their best needs of the representatives while for advancing the objectives of the organization. The human asset the executives mana ges the various parts of the business that influences the workers recruiting and installment structure, benefits in the activity, organization and arrangement to different trainings (Mitchell, Obeidat Bray, 2013). The HR can likewise progress in the direction of giving the motivators to the work, data with respect to the security systems and the leaves that are offered because of the disorder and vacations.The key type of the board of the human asset is the proactive type of the executives of the individuals. It requires the ability to think ahead and arranging the different approaches to address the issues of the representatives (Alfes et al., 2013). This marvel can profoundly impact the manner by which the entire things are been done at the site of the business and by improving everything beginning from the recruiting of the acts of the representatives and their different preparing projects to the strategies of surveying them and methods. The key human asset the executives is a na me field of the Human asset the executives. From the early and the conventional type of the writing of Human Resource Management treated the thought of the shallow degree of methodology as opposed to the unadulterated matter of the activity, the consequences of which can course all through the establishment (Mitchell, Obeidat Bray, 2013). There is an implied type of an area that exists between the estimation of the individuals of the branch of Human Resource and the harder type of the qualities that are drilled in the business that qualities that are actualized in the corporate societies. The experts of the HR felt truly awkward in the troublesome condition where the systems of the corporate world were planned. It has been seen that there has been an expansion in the consciousness of the elements of the human asset that capacities like an island unto itself with the milder type of qualities that are focused to the individuals that has no association with this present reality of busi ness (Alfes et al., 2013). For legitimizing the presence of the human asset, their capacities are supposedly being all the more personally associated with the different methodologies of the every day progress of the business side of the association. A few scientists have discovered that in the late nineteenth century, the clamoring of the thorough way to deal with the administration of the individuals of the association have begun to change the conventional method of dealing with the individuals as indicated by the models of the mechanical relations. The key types of the human asset the executives principally center around the different projects with the targets for the more drawn out terms. H

Friday, August 21, 2020

The War on Poverty - Social Welfair Policy Assignment

The War on Poverty - Social Welfair Policy - Assignment Example Family size has diminished definitely subsequently lessening the mouths to take care of and fabrics which diminishes the general financial plan for the family unit empowering all the more sparing. Ladies have had the option to break the generalizations and began taking part in regenerative work getting extra salary to the family. Lion's share of the individuals are finishing their secondary school training which implies they are showing signs of improvement business and compensations to wipe out neediness. Salary disparity has been on the expansion with the rich getting more extravagant through ventures while the poor keep on suffering from neediness as they come up short on even the cash for essential enhancements yet are as yet expected to pay a lot of charges. The quantity of male under business has kept on diminishing subsequently lessening family pay and the family heading towards destitution. With the expansion in single parenthood, a significant number of these guardians can't give completely to their families leaving them to battle to try and complete school. Government disability programs offered to the old are a chance to totally dispense with the older from the destitution measurements and a chance to help them have better existences. Open projects have begun being subsidized by government and NGOs making them reasonable to the nearby individuals who would now be able to set aside the cash they were spending on social insurance for instance and furthermore grasp the free training being advertised. The administration offers joblessness advantages and this sum has been expanded which mean the jobless can move from the class of living underneath destitution line and begin continuing themselves. The issue with the chances to lessen destitution referenced above will prompt a decrease in the measure of individuals paying expense just as the assessment being gathered which implies those who are well off should up their duty commitment to continue the country. Individuals will undoubtedly exploit their gifts from government to be sluggish and unwind in the issue of occupation chasing thus

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Ielts Essay Samples Band 9 Book Game

The Ielts Essay Samples Band 9 Book Game So, it's essential to present your eyes rest for a little while by taking breaks after specific time intervals. So, it's essential to supply your eyes rest for some time by taking rests after particular time intervals. Attempt to use the mouse if you're comfortable sitting back. Consider utilizing the mouse if you're comfy sitting back. I am very pleased I managed to assist you reach this goal and I hope you may continue at this level later on. The primary goal of IELTS Reading is to test your capability to comprehend what you've read. Very practical very helpful. When you get the book or books you are going to be sent a link at which you may download the complete PDF of the ebook. It's possible that you try many methods to turn the pages of eBook to enhance your reading experience. The majority of the times, it's been believed that the readers, that are employing the eBooks for first time, happen to truly have a difficult time before becoming used to them. Lots of the times, it's been felt that the readers, that are employing the eBooks for first time, happen to truly have a difficult time before getting used to them. In addition, the writer has an inclination to be repetitive. A fantastic eBook reader needs to be set up. He ought to be installed. A superb eBook reader ought to be set up. However, there's a time limit which will keep you writing a very long essay. The perfect way to keep updated with posts such as this is to like us on Facebook. Every answer is found in the text, you don't require any extra knowledge to be successful. You may also enhance your eBook reading experience with help of choices given by the software program like the font size, full display mode, the specific assortment of pages that will need to get exhibited at once and also alter the color of the backdrop. It is possible to also utilize free software that could provide the readers that have many functions to the reader than merely a very simple platform to read the wanted eBooks. You may even utilize complimentary software that could provide the readers that have many functions to the reader than only a simple platform to read the desirable eBooks. Put all of your key characteristics in the overview. The Basic Principles of Ielts Essay Samples Band 9 Book That You Will be Able to Benefit From Starting Immediately A well-structured essay has a great introduction, body paragraphs that are simple to follow and connect together, and a great conclusion. Looking at IELTS essay topics with answers is a significant means to assist you t o get ready for the test. Inside this book we show you the way to analyze the Task 2 question, and we explain the different sorts of essay you might be requested to write. In addition, I have a comprehensive lesson on IELTS problem solution essays that you could discover useful. You might find it very hard to compose a task 1 and task two response in 1 hour or perhaps you feel you don't always understand the question you're being asked. At the close of the book, there are several practice tasks for you to use. In addition, it's time saving way of solving problems quickly. After the test you're going to be provided a score from 1-9. This is precisely what you should do to allow it to be clear to the examiner what you consider the question and also allows them to adhere to the remainder of your essay. Our sample essay has a very simple but fantastic introduction in which it demonstrates that the examinee has knowledge of the subject and clearly states the writer's position to prepare the remainder of the essay. Usually you should take the IELTS test if you're applying for employment or to study in a college or university in an English-speaking country or if you're migrating to such nation.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Pet Overpopulation Epidemic Essay - 1518 Words

Persuasive Speech Topic: Pet Overpopulation Epidemic General Purpose: To persuade. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the public is to blame for the pet overpopulation epidemic. Central Idea: In order to control the overwhelming population of homeless pets, we need to stop throwing our â€Å"family friends† away. There are 1.5 dogs and cats put to sleep every second 4-6 million dogs and cats are euthanized every year, states the Humane Society. The pet overpopulation epidemic has become more than overwhelming. But who is at fault for the ever increasing number of homeless and euthanized pets each year? The public, government and breeders all have their hand in this catastrophic epidemic. So who is to blame for this†¦show more content†¦Later, most will end up Testing Out a different type of pet. The vast majority of people, who adopt a puppy or kitten, do not keep the animal for life. If this were to turn around and most people were to actually keep their pets through the good times and the bad, as they do their own children, the demand for these animals would go down. With less of a demand, breeders would not breed as many litters. Breeders are only breeding as many litters as they do, because people are buying them. The demand for a cute little puppy or kitten is great, because pe ople do not keep the animal for life. Animals are recycled. If a breeder had a litter and could not sell the puppies, they would not keep having litter after litter. People are buying them, so breeders are breeding them. In a perfect world, breeders would breed less and force people to adopt from an animal rescue, but this is not a perfect world. The solution lies with the general public educating themselves, supply and demand, thats the solution. Lessen the demand and the supply will, on its own, lessen. The power lies within each and every one of us. Scripted by Kim Sturla (of the San Mateo ordinance fame) and her continual cross-country junketing preaching her message: The problem is simple: we have too many dogs and cats. Too many for too few homes. Another contributing factor to this huge problem is government intervention. The state run dog pounds make it way took easy to unload the responsibility ofShow MoreRelatedHow to Save an Animal Life Essay1636 Words   |  7 PagesHow to Save a Life I remember when I was 11 years old and my dog, Happy, was sick with cancer. Since the moment we rescued Happy he was the sweetest, most energetic pet I had ever seen. He remained this way over the many years that we had him, hence, his name. I remember the day we decided it was time to let go. We took Happy to the veterinarian clinic and were taken into a little room. All four of us, my brother, my parents, and I, huddled around Happy as he was lying on the counter. The veterinarianRead More Post Plague Social, Economic, and Historical Characteristics of Chaucer’s Pilgrims2928 Words   |  12 Pagesthe body (Given-Wilson 97). The first epidemic began in 1347 and lasted through 1350. Subsequently, England suffered three centuries of the plague as it reappeared in 1361, 1369, 1374-1379, and 1390-1393, etc., putting a damper on population and economic growth. Between one third and one half of England’s entire population was wiped out due to the Black Plague of 1347-1350 (Given-Wilson 4). Geoffrey Chaucer (1342-1400), lived through the worst epidemics this world has seen. Growing up as a childRead MoreUrbanization of Lagos6093 Words   |  25 Pagesmaintain them. In Lagos, the indigenous housing was unplanned and left to develop haphazardly, with houses built quite close together. Such overcrowded, unhealthy housing and poor environmental conditions stimulated the rapid spread of influenza epidemics and bubonic plague which ravaged the city between 1924 and 1930. The lack of housing facilities in Lagos is immense. People who are said to be earning between the marks of low to middle income all have to live in very crowded and poorly built housesRead MoreFamily Tradition and Theories4437 Words   |  18 Pagesthrough relationship triangles. Societal Emotional Process is the last concept developed by Bowen. It alludes to the tendency of individuals in the society to be restless and unstable at times than others. Natural pressures like epidemics, overpopulation, and shortage of natural resources, financial forces, and lack of abilities for living in a different world are all potential pressures that add to a relapse in the society. The history of our family has created a template that has shaped

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparison Between Ford Vs Ford - 860 Words

Daniel Guerrero Mrs. Wierson English 1301-6th pd. 21 September 2017 Ford v.s Dodge: The Battle of the Cars We live in the 21st century, which is considered to be the era of modern technology and sophisticated ingenuity. Yet up to this day, two brands have managed to keep up with the 21st century. Which includes the best technology in automotive industry and the capability of implementing sophisticated aerodynamics. Ford and Dodge have been head to head with each other since the early 1900’s. Both of these car brands are known to have built some of the best muscle cars out in the world. But what many people don t know is that Ford and Dodge also represent a piece of freedom and America. In 1903, a company was being established in†¦show more content†¦In the upcoming years, both Ford and the Dodge company would face some of the most difficult hardships that would either make or break both of the companies, and all their time and effort the founders have dedicated to the automobile industry. On January, 14th, 1920, John Francis Dodge had passed away, leaving the company to his brother. Soon after John Francis death, Horace Elgin Dodge had also passed away from Influenza on December, 20th, 1920. Leaving the the Dodge company behind ranked in 2nd place in the automobile industry. With no one to left in charge of the Dodge company, the company was later sold to the Graham Brothers who were a truck manufacturing company. Eventually Ford was also hit with some hardships. Henry Ford had also passed away in April, 7, 1947 from Cerebral Hemorrhage. Soon after Henry Ford’s death the company was passed down to his grandson Henry Ford II. Leaving all of hen ry’s innovation and ingenuity behind. Yet with big drawbacks from both companies, Ford and Dodge managed to progress. After nearly 40 years both Dodge and Ford started taking their cars and their companies to another level. By funding special groups focused on sports cars, it would promise the automakers a chance to compete in the Le man’s race and target car enthusiast. Carroll Shelby would be the creator of the mustang gt350, gt500, and the gt race car, that would be used in the Le man’s race. On the other handShow MoreRelatedFord Motor And Value Enhancement Plan1132 Words   |  5 PagesFord Motor and Value Enhancement Plan Ford Motor announced its value enhancement plan (VEP) in 2000 to restructure its ownership. With the new VEP, Ford aimed to pay $10 billion cash back to its shareholders. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Involvement of Customers in Co-Creation †

Question: Discuss about the Involvement of Customers in Co-Creation. Answer: Introduction: Strategic analysis is a technique that's used to assess the power, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of the organization or that is concerned within the business undertaking or project. Porters five forces framework is a powerful strategic analysis device for enterprise-degree evaluation, competitive strategy evaluation and company method analysis of the corporation. It is a tremendous tools for know-how the forces which shapes the competition within the enterprise (Porter, 2008). This version also helps the company to regulate their strategy as per their competitive environment, which in the long run helps in growing the last earnings. The five forces of porters model are danger of new Entrants, bargaining energy of providers, and Bargaining strength of shoppers, hazard from replacement products and rivalry a number of the existing players. The employer faces threats of latest entrants as the new entrants within the telecommunication area bring innovation and placed stress on the present corporations like Amcor Ltd. These entrants provide high opposition to the lower pricing approach and new fee proposition. However, the organization has managed this undertaking and constructs the successful barrier to maintain their competitive role. The telecommunication offerings agencies buy their raw fabric from several providers and these providers use their negotiating energy to get high prices (E. Dobbs, 2014). This, in addition, decreases the general profitability of the company. The organization tackles the bargaining electricity of suppliers by building an effective delivery chain with the high number of providers and with the aid of experimenting their layout of the product with the help of various strategies. The bargaining power of buyer additionally positioned excessive pressure at the organization. They want minimal cost s for high-quality offerings. To tackle this electricity the business enterprise develops a massive base of customers with the aid of hastily innovating new merchandise and streamlining its sale and manufacturing manner. The profitability of enterprise additionally suffers because of the advent of substitute products or services which meets the same requirements of clients in distinctive methods. The hazard of the substitute product is high for Amcor Ltd enterprise because it offers the fee proposition to customers which is uniquely distinct than the organizations gift services (Kristensson, et. al., 2008). In addition to this, the contention most of the existing companies within the telecommunication enterprise is also severe as it drives down the prices which decrease the revenue of the corporation. With a view to tackling the in-depth rivalry and threats of substitute services and products, the employer builds a sustainable differentiation and works on understanding the middle wi shes of customers. BHP Billiton Ltd also faces the threats of new entrants within the industry and high bargaining energy of providers and buyers. With a view to tackle those problems, the organization is building excessive potential to spend their money on studies and improvement (Thompson and Macklin, 2010). The excessive investment in studies and development will make it tough for brand spanking new entrants to go into the dynamic enterprise (Billiton, 2016). To remedy the trouble of high bargaining energy of each suppliers and buyers, the organization is growing devoted providers whose organizations will entirely rely on the enterprise and is constantly operating on innovating new products that allow you to restriction the clients bargaining energy. The employer is also going through high competition some of the present players and dealing with threats of alternative offerings (Billiton, 2012). The principal rival of the enterprise is Amcor Ltd. Which will resolve those issues, the employer is buil ding a massive base of clients. Amcor Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd are both the listed companies of Australia. They operate in Materials sector. The financial performance of both the companies is measured by conducting an accounting analysis. The steps for performing accounting analysis are as follows: Identification of industry economic characteristics: BHP Billiton is engaged in the multinational mining, metals and petroleum activities and Amcor Ltd is engaged in the packaging activities for the food, beverages, health care, and tobacco industries. Identify Company Strategies: The strategy of both the companies is to increase the profit by increasing the sale of the product (Ganesan, 2007). BHP Billiton is the third largest company in the Australia in revenue and it wants to increase its market share. Financial Statement of Companies: Financial statement is prepared to present the position of the business in the present and past year. In 2017, BHP Billiton earnsrevenue of A$ 38285 and Amcor Ltd earns revenue of A$11832 (Kieso, et. al., 2010). The operating profit earned by the BHP Billiton in 2017 is A$6222 and the profit earned by Amcor Ltd is A$798. Accounting analysis of both the companies: The financial ratios of both the companies are as follows: Financial Ratios of Amcor Ltd Amcor Ltd Particulars Formula 2013 (A$) 2014 (A$) 2015 (A$) 2016 (A$) 2017 (A$) Revenue - 12425 10853 12515 12687 11832 Cost of revenue - 10230 8804 9999 10001 9346 Gross profit - 2195 2050 2516 2686 2485 Inventories - 1815 1411 1581 1676 1697 Total current assets - 4198 3532 4444 4300 4273 Total assets - 12421 9697 11129 11691 11809 Total current liabilities - 4701 3499 4784 4909 5216 Total liabilities - 4701 3499 4784 4909 5216 Shareholder's equity - 3607 2155 1909 1056 1069 Current Ratio Current Assets/Current Liabilities 0.89 1.01 0.93 0.88 0.82 Quick Ratio (Current Assets-Inventory)/Current Liabilities 0.51 0.61 0.60 0.53 0.49 Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit/Total Revenue 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.21 Total Debts to Total Assets Total Debts/Total Assets 0.38 0.36 0.43 0.42 0.44 Debt to Equity Debt/Equity 1.30 1.62 2.51 4.65 4.88 Financial Ratios of BHP Billiton Ltd BHP Billiton Ltd Particulars Formula 2013 (A$) 2014 (A$) 2015 (A$) 2016 (A$) 2017 (A$) Revenue - 65968 67206 44636 30912 38285 Cost of revenue - 25129 23385 14899 8651 5447 Gross profit - 40839 43821 29737 22261 32838 Inventories - 5822 6013 4292 3411 3673 Total current assets - 19786 22296 16369 17714 21056 Total assets - 138109 151413 124580 118953 117006 Total current liabilities - 20372 18064 12853 12340 11366 Total liabilities - 67445 72270 59812 64663 59748 Shareholder's equity - 70664 79143 64768 54290 57258 Current Ratio Current Assets/Current Liabilities 0.97 1.23 1.27 1.44 1.85 Quick Ratio (Current Assets-Inventory)/Current Liabilities 0.69 0.90 0.94 1.16 1.53 Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit/Total Revenue 0.62 0.65 0.67 0.72 0.86 Total Debts to Total Assets Total Debts/Total Assets 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.54 0.51 Debt to Equity Debt/Equity 0.95 0.91 0.92 1.19 1.04 Accounting analysis requires the analysis of past performances of the company. The past performance of the company can be analyzed by using the financial ratio. The financial ratio of Amcor Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd shows the performance of the company. By analyzing the ratio of both the companies, it can be said that the financial position of BHP Billiton is better in comparison to Amcor Ltd (Albert, et. al., 2014). The evaluation of financial statement is necessary to determine the real value of the business. The business is affected by various factors and effects of these factors bring changes in the operations of the company. The financial statement is used by the users of financial statements and they took decisions on the basis of financial statement. The financial statement of Amcor Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd is analyzed and it is clear that the financial statement of BHP Billiton has more value as the profitability is more in BHP Billiton Ltd in comparison to Amcor Ltd. The financial ratio of BHP Billiton is better and it also shows that the company has enough funds to repay its debts (Hilton and Platt, 2013). The shareholders equity of BHP Billiton is more than the Shareholders equity of Amcor Ltd. The profits of BHP Billiton are positive while the profits of Amcor Ltd are also positive but it is less the profits of BHP Billiton Ltd (Kew and Watson, 2010). The quality of the financial stat ement is good of both the companies but some improvements can be made in the financial statement of Amcor Ltd as they have to make certain changes while preparing its financial statement. The financial statement of every company is prepared by following the guidelines of accounting standards. The management of Amcor Ltd has to give more focus when they prepare financial statement of next year. Amcor is the leading multinational packaging company in Australia and the company is continuously performing well in terms of profit from last few years. The company provides the dividend of 3.97% in current year, which indicates that it is also a good long term investment. The profit after tax of the company has shown a growth of fifty five percent and this solid performance of the company is the driver of the solid results. As per the company management, the company has also benefited from the restricting and acquisitions initiatives and the management is expecting that the company will deliver the constant growth in future. I think at this position when the shares of Amcor are changing hands and by looking at the overall industry trend, Amcor is a good option for long term investment. Given below is the graphical representation of Amcor share price detail of last one year. The current share of Amcor is 14.10 AUD. If I will invest $25000 in the company today then I will get 1736 shares of the company (25000/14.10). References Albert, P.J., Werhane, P. and Rolph, T., (2014).Introduction. 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